Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter-ish Boardgame

While we waited for our seed to grow and grow, I decided to switch things up a bit and play a game today. Last year, actually, I printed this board game template off the net and put it together, but we never had a chance to play it. In fact, this year, Easter went by as well and I still had forgotten to make time to play this game. So I brought it out today, just to say we've finally played it...and surprisingly, it turned out to be pretty fun. We all enjoyed it. Maybe next year I'll remember this good experience and bring out the game before or on Easter.

I found the template at the kaboose website. If you click on the link it will take you right to a page where you, too, can print out this game. Anyway, I'm not really sure how the website says to play it because it's been awhile since I was actually on there reading it. So I'll just tell you how we played.

This is what the board looks like:

It's kind of a candyland sort of set-up. Except that the random pictures don't really mean anything to the play of the game, which is a tad disappointing.

All I did was get together plastic eggs that matched the colors of the eggs on the game board. I was lucky to have them on hand. After putting the four colored eggs in a buckety, baskety deal, we took turns dumping them out on the floor to determine each person's turn. We had to agree on a method of deciding which egg was the "one," so our rule was that the egg that ended up the farthest away from you was the "one" that determined your play on that turn. So, for example, if I dumped out the eggs on the carpet and the green one rolled the furthest away from me, then that meant I got to move my game piece to the next green on the game board. I'm hoping this makes sense; it wasn't very complex to play, but somehow I'm feeling like it is overly complex to explain. So anyhoo--that's all we did. It was fun to watch the kids rooting for certain eggs to roll the furthest from them so they could get a particular color, or trying different methods of bucket dumping to get the eggs to perform in a manner that they were hoping for. We also had to make up something to do with those random pictures on the board, so we kind of just made them into a little story that we told as we went along. Like this:

Me (making my game piece talk): "Hey guys, I'm way ahead of you and playing in this little brown house! It's so fun! Hurry up and come play with me in here. We'll play hide and seek."

Kids (making their game pieces talk): "Ok, here we come! I have to get a blue to get over there so wait for me, ok?"

And so on.

It really was a lot of fun. It's always fun to use our imaginations together and make up stories. Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy the simplicity of story-telling with my kids. They come up with the BEST stuff and I never come away without a good dosing of belly-laughter.

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