Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gonna Paint

Today was all about painting. 

First we read a book that we LOVE! This is the one: 
It's adorable! Really. Really!

Then we made bath paint. I forgot to take a picture of our home-made bath paint, and now, of course, it's all gone. So here is a picture of the bath paint from the website I got the recipe from 
We only made 4 colors...

Next we were off to the bath to paint our own bodies, just like the kid in the book. 
AND finally, we got all washed off, just like the kid in the book.

This was a good activity! I highly recommend it!

Next time, when I get really ambitious, and when we purchase a black light some fine day, we're going to do this glow-in-the-dark idea from a different website-- Glowing Homemade Bath Paint:

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