Friday, January 20, 2012

Four in a Row

I was pretty busy watching extra kids throughout most of yesterday.  But we managed to find a few minutes to play a learning game I downloaded from The Mailbox's website. The game is called, "Four in a Row" and honestly, I thought it was going to be a flop. But I didn't really worry too much about it since I didn't have time to come up with anything better. BUT, let me just say, that this game was a total winner. The kids, both, loved it! Even my younger could do it without much help -- a feat I was not expecting. We liked it so much, in fact, I had to go back and print off 3-4 more game boards so we could play again and again.

Here is the pattern for the game:

Four in a Row Game

The thing I liked about this game was that it was so simple, but actually got the kids thinking and doing real math!  Hooray for a winner!  My kids already asked me if we could play again tomorrow, so I'm off to print a few more game boards :-)

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