Monday, January 23, 2012

Penguin Stories

I found this free printable from The Mailbox website, of penguins in various attitudes and decided we would use them to make up our own story books.

So we cut construction paper into four equal parts and I explained to the kids what we were doing. They got to color the penguins, cut out the penguins, chose 2 to go on each page, glue 2 onto each page, draw word bubbles for each penguin on each page, and then dictate a story to me using only the dialogue between the two penguins. It was awesome! I was so impressed with both my kiddos; they totally got it and wrote really fun stories! I love it when kids tell stories because it always showcases their personalities.

For example, one of my sons, who is obsessed with all things superhero, was instantly drawn to the idea of having a good guy penguin and a bad guy penguin. My other son, who is more versed in the ways of sociality, made up a story about how the 2 penguins meet and became friends. We all loved this activity--and the best part is keeping the books for them to read every day.  Or, maybe 20 times a day.  Or 30.  'Cause you know kids love their own creations!

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