Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sock War or Indoor Snowball Fight

Today we did a physical activity that was mostly just for fun.

We gathered up all the socks in the house and rolled them into tight balls (mostly our socks are already rolled into balls, but we wanted them tighter).  Then we divided the sock balls out equally to all of us.  After that it was a free for all, all out, war.  Mostly we all found, or quickly constructed, good bases from which to emerge quickly and fire off a shot or two.  Behind the couch was a good choice, underneath the desk was very strategic, behind the door offered the added benefit of being able to observe the enemy from between the crack.  Every so often, one of us might go kamikaze and run around blasting everyone else with all our socks.  A mission would usually have to be planned to retrieve more ammo.  Loyalties were forged and broken.  Espionage was commonplace.  Treaties were few.  And fun was had all around.  After a half hour or so of warfare, it was time to pick up the socks and gaze, once again, longingly out the window at the snow falling that was STILL NOT sticking on the ground, therefore robbing us of a REAL snowball fight.

Alas, our indoor snowball fight would have to do.

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