Friday, January 27, 2012

Name Soup

My younger son has spent very little time working on letter recognition, so this activity was mostly for him.  I totally ripped off the idea from The House of Baby Piranha blog. I've gotten a lot of my ideas from her lately.  So...thanks to the author of that blog, whoever she may be :-)

Anyway, what she did was fill up a big tub with water, write letters on old plastic lids, and have the kids use a big spoon to stir up the "soup" and find the letters to their name. She also printed out her kid's name on a piece of paper so she could match up the letters.

It seemed pretty straight forward so I didn't change it up too much. I used my biggest soup pot because I didn't have an empty bin available.  I used quite a variety of lids to add some difficulty in spooning out the letters.  I used shampoo bottle lids and baby food container lids, nutella lids and jelly jar lids.  Metal, plastic and tin.  Some floated and some sunk, some were small and some were large.  It at least made it more challenging for my oldest who is very familiar with letters and how to spell his name.

They had a good time with this and it took little prep-time.  I pulled out lids as I found them for about a week until I had enough to do most of the alphabet, and then I was ready to go. My only advice is, have a lot of towels on hand. Or take this activity outside :-D

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