Monday, September 17, 2012

A-A-Alligator Fun

To finish off our Letter A stuff, we decided to focus on alligators for a couple of activities.

Alligator Activity #1:
First we talked about the sounds letter A makes to reinforce from yesterday: a-a-anemone & a-a-alligator.
Then we sang "5 Little Monkeys" and did some coordinating hand motions/actions. It's the one that goes: Five little monkey swingin' in the tree
         Teasing Mr. Alligator, "can't catch me!
         Nope! You can't catch me!"
         etc. etc. etc.

My son loves that song--especially the chomping bit.

Alligator Activity #2:
After the song, we read a book: A Frog in the Bog, by Karma Wilson and Joan Rankin (take a look at the book.) It's a great story and one of my kids' favorites. It also deals with the number 5 and alligators, so it dovetailed with "5 Little Monkeys" quite nicely.

We were going to do Alligator Activity #3...but we ran out of time. So it will have to wait until tomorrow.

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