Thursday, September 20, 2012

Beluga Mobile

Believe it or not, there isn't too much out there when you search for "beluga preschool activities" on the web. Imagine that. So I did the best I could. I found a website that offered some printouts you could use to put together a whale mobile--and one of the whales just so happens to be a beluga. Good enough for us.

This is what the completed project looks like: 
*Can I please just make a small note here, that I realize the whales are supposed to be colored, yes, but my son doesn't do much in that arena. Also, yes, we have a very randomly "decorated" house--which is another way of saying that our home is very messy. And, yes, we have already put up many of our halloween decorations, including some pumpkin lights and a strange orange sparkly spider that hangs from the ceiling in an odd place. Furthermore, I realize this isn't a very good picture, but it's all I had so it will just have to do. 

ANYway, this is where you can find the printouts and instructions if you so desire: Whale Mobile.

It was a fun project; took us about 30 minutes from start to finish. Here are the pluses that I've seen of it:
  1. the child can do most of the work himself
  2. it's different from the usual coloring or painting sort of craft
  3. it serves as a great refresher course whenever the child sees it
So yeah, we love it! In addition, the whale mobile has really jazzed up our decorations with a highly desirable animal-eclectic look that I'm sure will soon be all the rage.

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