Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Handprint Crab

It was time to do some art-ish-ness for our letter C stuff. A google search helped me out with an idea: handprint crabs.  Honestly, I thought it was pretty adorable, but I never expected our own version to turn out as totally cute as it did, pictured below:

I got the idea from the link, but I used a few variations of my own. We just used blue construction paper for the background, as opposed to making it out of watercolor paints. I let my son make "pinchers" and a smile, etc. with a Sharpie. Finally, we painted on some glue with a kid's paintbrush and then sprinkled corn meal over the top to get a sandy effect. That's the part little guy liked the best. He loved watching the corn meal stick to the glue and he's way impressed that it "weely DOES yook just yike SAND!"

We had to work on this craft in stages throughout the day as we were waiting for things to dry--but it was a big hit!

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