Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alligator Antics

For our third day talking about letter A, I decided we should just make one. One that looks like an alligator. I got the idea here: http://preschoolalphabet.blogspot.com/2011/07/alligator.html. Ours looks a little less professional than the author's because...well, the pictured teeth below are the kind of teeth my son really wanted for his alligator. I'm just proud that he cut them out all by himself. 

We then went to the couch to read a Mercer Mayer favorite. This book is truly a great read! 

When we were done, my son wanted to use his recently constructed alligator to act out the story. It was awesome--we hid our alligator under the couch and used our play food to lure him out to the garage, where we left him. We wrote notes for the door and taped them up. When our daddy came home, little guy was beside himself with excitement for dad to discover our little trick.

It was a fun day!

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