Monday, September 24, 2012

Ghost Crabs

Once upon a time, I introduced the idea of having to earn an underwater-animal-related video by completing a worksheet. I think it is becoming the way of things around here.

That's why, when we went to start our discussion of letter C, my son said, "what worksheet can I do to earn a crab movie?" Ve-ry nice. Therefore, I found a letter C worksheet and he practiced some writing skills.

Of course, after that, it was time for the main event: the ghost crab video, which I found somewhere near the bottom of this website:

I think the author has many brilliant ideas on this site if one is looking for more ocean stuff, but I was pretty much just interested in the video.

After watching the video a few times (it's only about five minutes or so), we had just enough time to go over a few facts about crabs. I ended the discussion talking about the way crabs move. It seemed only natural that we then move to the ground and practice the crab walk. Kids are so much better at this than adults!

I had found some little ditty about crabs that we chanted while acting like and walking around like crabs. It was ok, but honestly, my kiddo wasn't too into it. The ditty part. I wish I would have thought to have a crab race. That would have been way more fun. Oh well--coulda, woulda, shoulda.

Next time.

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