Thursday, September 27, 2012

D is for Dracula

I didn't want to spend too much time on dinosaurs because I will be teaching our preschool co-op class about dinosaurs in a few weeks--gotta leave a few surprises for then. So instead, we focused today on Dracula. It's getting closer, every day, to Halloween; so, I figured it was ok.

During my internet search, I had seen much reference to a "Looking for Dracula" activity that has been done in various preschools and kindergarten classes. I had to look into it a little further to find the best medium for introducing the activity to my own family.  What I finally decided on was a youtube video:

It's pretty much--AWESOME! We had such a blast doing this activity. It feels a little strange as an adult, acting out a story while watching a youtube video. But you just have to let yourself go! The kids went crazy for it, and have been singing/chanting the song everywhere we go, every day since. We actually waited until everyone was home to break out this doosy. The story calls for props, too, which I would highly recommend. Improvised blanket capes, cheap glow-in-the-dark fangs, and binoculars aka swimming goggles was what we used, but one could get all fancy and go for the real thing too.

SOoooo....backing up, since we couldn't do this one during the day, we decided on another activity that was also a hit. Dracula lollipops. Yes, you read that correctly. And here's what they look like:

Sure, there's a witch in there too. These were pretty fun. Mostly, for my son, it was just a chance to do some assembly. He did break out the scissors and try cutting a few dracula heads. He tells me he only knows how to cut straight lines, so...some of the dracula heads are square. It's all good. We did some experimenting to try and figure out a good way to make his body/cape. We never really decided which method we liked the best, so I guess they are all equally cute/pathetic :-) Mostly, this was just a pleasant activity; it wasn't teaching too much, but that's ok sometimes.

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