Monday, February 27, 2012

Couch Long-Jumping

I'm not sure this even qualifies as a "preschool activity," but if I give it a title it sounds more official. Right?

Well, sometimes, when I'm just not prepared for the day (like today), I fall back on this activity because my kids ALWAYS love it and I can make myself feel good by calling it a gross motor activity. The deal is: we use the couch as a jumping playground. I know--uncouth. But what can I say?

  • Excuse #1: I have all boys. 
  • Excuse #2: We own a very crappy couch that we happen to have owned since when we were in college. And that was, like, FOREVER ago.
  • Excuse #3: I'm just not a very "couth" kind of girl. 
All excuses aside, I will tell you that letting your kids loose to jump on the couch is a lot of fun. We like to have contests. For example, who can stand on the armrest and jump the furthest across the couch (as in across the seat cushions). And...who can stand on the armrest and jump the furthest to mom, who will catch them. And...who can do the funniest jump from the armrest onto the couch. And sometimes we do "shows" in which the children come up with a routine and perform it for me to watch. This is usually very circus-esque. But the kids think they are hilarious.

When you don't own a trampoline in your backyard, as we don't, couch long-jumping can be the next best thing. Besides, here's excuse #4: it's really good exercise!

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