Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Placemats

I wanted to make something to decorate our table for dinner on Valentine's day; placemats got the vote. So I searched for a fun idea and found this one: valentine's activities, including placemats.  

The site has a billion ideas that I wanted to try, but we only found time for a couple of them. Good thing there's always next year. 

This idea is pretty simple. I cut out matching rectangles (or ovals, or whatever you want) from clear contact paper. I also cut out hearts in various sizes and shapes from red, pink, white and purple construction paper. Then I gathered the leftover squares of tissue paper I had saved from when we made our ugly wreaths. I pulled out some old glitter and I was ready for the kids to take a turn. 

First I let them pull the backing off the contact paper and they helped me tape it, sticky-side-up, onto the table. Then I gave them free range to stick as many hearts and tissue paper squares as they wanted all over the contact paper. When they said they were done, I let them pick some glitter to sprinkle over the top. The final step is to pull the backing off the other contact paper portion and lay it, ever so carefully, over the one taped to the table. This part was tricky and I found that I mostly had to do it for them. But they were able to help a little bit--they liked to use their fingers to spread out all of the air bubbles that get trapped in between the contact paper. 

And there you have it. Ta-da! Super fun (not to mention, sparkly, always a bonus) placemats that the kids can be proud of and enjoy at dinner.

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