Sunday, February 12, 2012

Strung-up Hearts

So, I know I pretty much strike out whenever I try to do an idea that I think up all on my own. But I thought I would give a go, just one more time. 

I wondered if I might have more success by keeping it really simple. SO I bought those paper doily heart deals, super cheap from the store. Then I drew hearts on red and pink construction paper that were big enough to accommodate the doilies. I thought I would have the kids cut out the heart shapes, but when we sat down to do this activity, neither were in a very scizzor-ish mood. Sometimes that happens. Therefore, I -myself- ended up cutting the hearts out for them, but it would have been cooler had they done it themselves. Next, I let them paint watered-down glue on the back of the doilies and attach them as close to the centers of the cut-out hearts as they could get. I tried to emphasize the "center of the heart" to them so it would give us a chance to talk about positional words and phrases like: bottom, top, center, middle, on the side of, kitty-corner to, etc. They got pretty close. Obviously, if you look at the picture, some of our attempts were better than others. Then I let them pick a color of crepe paper that they wanted to use to hang their heart and taped it to the ceiling. 

They are not, actually, very attractive decorations, but they were decently fun to make. Also, I liked this activity because it kept the boys' attention the whole time, as opposed to other crafts that seem to be a bit too long for my guys who would generally prefer running around and smashing things to doing artsy-types of sit-down activities. Oh well, so it goes as the mother of little boys. 

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