Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sock Puppets

These are the sock puppets we made today:

Gloo, Franny, and Sam

Honesty, I was pretty worried about this activity, what with all the various little crafting materials, and whatever means I might use to attach them to the socks, and how on earth would the kids be properly involved? But I'm happy to say it turned out really well. The kids loved this activity and played with their puppets all night long. 

All we did was pick out a sock of each of our choice from our "lost in the laundry" box of unpaired, lonely socks. Then I poured out pom-poms (in various sizes), googly eyes (in various sizes), buttons (in various sizes), ribbon, rick rack, and yarn into little piles on the carpet. The kids choose whatever they wanted to fashion a little puppet guy and arrange it onto their sock. When they had finalized the placement of all accoutrements onto their puppets, I used my handy glue gun to adhere everything on according to my children's direction. And it worked out very nicely, smoothly and with a lot of laughter! 

When our puppets were done, we played for awhile making them talk back and forth, then finally came up with a story to act out for our daddy when he came home from work.  Which thing we did, to great success and much fatherly applause.  

Next week, I'm going to go buy butcher paper and read, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, to the kids to explain to them how a background can be used for a puppet show. Then we're going to make one and put on another play with background, props and everything! I hope it will be fun! 

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