Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Valentine's Rev-Up

It is the 1st day of February; time to get our decorating on. We don't have many decorations for Valentine's day. Out in the ol' garage I keep individual boxes for every major holiday, and into these boxes go the decorations we have accumulated over the years. For Christmas, we have more than one box, but for poor Valentine's day, we have only a little smattering in the bottom of a single, rather small box. Therefore, I've dedicated the next couple of weeks to Valentine's Craftiness, in which we will make things to adorn our unadorned casa.

First, we pulled out what we've already got, turned on a little "Hot, hot, hot" by Buster Poindexter and His Banshees of Blue (which I consider to be appropriate valentine's music, although I also consider it to be appropriate halloween, who knows?).  Anyway. Poindexter accompanies us while we dance around and hang cupid-shaped window clings and the like.

Then, it was on to the crafting. Today we made a garland. Or maybe it's a banner. I'm not sure. I cut out hearts of red, pink, and purple construction paper. The boys wrote on them and decorated them with their markers. We set them out on the floor and created a lovely pattern. We taped our pattern to some white yarn. Lastly, we hung the yarn across the mantel.

Now it was time to stand back and admire our handiwork. Not bad for us non-crafters. A half an hour of serious crafting and we're left with a nice bit of homey handmade-ness. After Valentine's is over, I may just have to include it in our meager pile within the Valentine's box. We could bring it out again next year, and the next year, and the next, and the next, and the next. Things are looking up!

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