Thursday, February 9, 2012

Library Visit

I realize that most moms and dads probably take their kids to the library, so this is no big news to anyone. But I truly enjoy taking my kids on a library visit. Usually, when we go, I count it as our preschool activity for the day because:

1). it pretty much takes us all morning just to get everyone dressed, fed, out the door with matching shoes, and in the car, so we don't have time for much else in our day anyway.  And...

2). we always end up learning a lot while we're there.  Things like, what it means to "borrow," what categorization is all about, how to look up and find the book you want, how to use our quiet voices (which is something my rowdy family really could use LOTS of practice on), fiction vs. non-fiction, big people books vs. picture books, and why running away from your mom to play hide and seek behind the bookcases is NOT ok. Also, why jumping on the library furniture is not acceptable. And also, how to ask the librarian for help and how to check out. It's true that the checkout counter is pretty much the most eventful time at the library for us. I think the boys think it's magic. Plus, our library has a self-checkout counter which means that the kids get to experience the magic first hand. We like that.

The boys, though, would tell you the most wonderful thing about the library is taking turns pushing that little button on the wall that makes the door open up all by itself.

Anyhow, I think the benefits of a trip to the library are pretty obvious. But my favorite part is bringing home lots and lots of books that we get to read and we didn't have to buy and they don't have to clutter up my house. I'm a big fan of that part.

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