Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crayon Hearts

I basically forced the kids to do my last two crafts because I already had them all prepared. Poor little kiddies. I know. It's a tough world.

The first forced craft we made was our crayon heart deals, an idea from the Martha Stewart website.  Of course, Martha's crayon hearts turned out amazing, whereas ours turned out not exactly like Martha's. But still, pretty cool. It's fun to hang them near a window so the sun can shine through the wax paper, giving the hearts that "stained glass" effect.

We followed the directions from the website implicitly. To paraphrase, we:

  • used a sharpener and some valentine's colored crayons to get crayon shavings
  • sprinkled the shavings inbetween 2 sheets of wax paper
  • ironed over it on super low
  • cut the waxed paper into hearts and hung them up
That's about it. It's very simple, but honestly, my kids didn't enjoy it very much. In fact, after we used the iron, they ran away rendering them out of commission. I had to finish up the cutting of the heart shapes and stringing from the ceiling solo mio. Ah well. What do you expect from kids who didn't want to participate in first place? 

My children did get a lot of practice with the sharpener. That's something.

Anyway, the hearts are lovely. 

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